If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy... Chapter 2

In the first chapter we learned that joy is a byproduct of the Word. This is the reason Satan wants to steal the Word from you. This is why the Bible tells us that Satan comes immediately before you have time to meditate and before the Word has time to become deeply rooted in your heart.

The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.

— Psalm 34:19

With this promise, we have nothing to fear, nothing to worry about, and certainly nothing to lose our joy over. So cheer yourself up! Practice joy. Meditate on the Word, memorize scripture. Remember, as long as the enemy can’t get your joy, he can’t keep your goods, and he can’t defeat you!

We are not making light of your situation and we know that it can be really difficult to laugh in the midst of a storm. It may be hard but it is exactly what God tells us to do. Why? Joy brings strength. Joy reminds us that God has this. Joy reminds the devil that we will not be defeated. Joy brings hope. Joy brings JOY!

So rise up and begin to laugh at the enemy. Begin to praise the One who will deliver you. Begin to dance and rejoice, victory is yours!

- Pastor Lisa

If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy.... Chapter 1

The devil is after ever single one of us. There is not a person on earth who hasn’t had an attack by the enemy. The difference is how we handle the attack. Satan want to steal your joy and make you quit. Don’t let him have your joy and don’t quit.

You can’t beat a joyful believer

Nehemiah says the joy of the Lord is your strength. Your circumstances doesn’t change the Word of God therefore it shouldn’t steal your joy. Joy has a voice, use it. Starting reminding the enemy what he has to return, start thanking God for the return, and do it joyfully.

Sing, dance, and shout! God is good!

October Schedule

October’s book
If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy…He Can’t Keep Your Goods by Jerry Savelle

Follow along in your book and on Pastor Lisa’s blog as we study this book through the month of October. We will learn that if Satan can’t steal our joy — he can’t keep our goods, he can’t defeat us, and he can’t deceive us!


  • Thursday, October 11th - Chapter 1

  • Thursday, October 18th - Chapter 2

  • Thursday, October 25th - Chapter 3

The Blessed Life : Chapter 12

So many people have a wrong view of giving and to a large part, we the preachers are responsible for this. Yes, pastors want people to give. The church functions on giving; it pays salaries, electric bills, programs, aesthetics, benevolence, missions, and anything that allows the work of the Kingdom to run smoothly.

God wants us to give so that the local church can function but more importantly, He wants us to give because it changes our hearts. Giving is one of the most unselfish acts we can do. It is the ultimate “heart test”. Without a change of heart, blessing us would only harm us. Nothing God asks us to give could ever come close to what God has given for us.

This is the great paradox of living the blessed life: When we give without thought to whether or not we will receive, then we receive.

Our desire is that everyone could get a hold of “God’s guaranteed” path to financial success. This Sunday we will have an opportunity to participate in a giving challenge that will change lives forever! We can’t wait to give you more information this weekend.

The Blessed Life: Chapter 11

I hope by now you see how much God wants to bless you. Yet, He knows that if our selfish nature is not changed, blessing us will only cause us to be more selfish. Money is your test. Each time we get paid we are given a chance to show God how grateful we are.

  • A chance to give or to withhold

  • A chance to be free of selfishness or to hold on to it

  • A chance to be blessed or not

The choice is ours. God promises that if you give, He is going to bless you. Generosity is always rewarded.

Many people who intend to tithe and think they are, actually aren’t.

Ask yourself: Is generosity or selfishness the dominant force in my heart?

Look at your bank account to get the true answer. God wants to change our hearts and make us generous. Giving is the only way for real change to happen.

The Blessed Life: Chapters 9 and 10

Read : Online Pdf

Listen : Teaching available on Youtube

I have noticed that if someone doesn’t understand the concept of spirit-led giving it is usually because they do not really understand that God is who He says that He is and that He is a rewarder. They can tend to view Him as a judger, a punisher, or a God that withholds from His children. But if God is a God of love (1 John 4:8) wouldn’t it make sense that He would want to reward those who obey Him and are good stewards of God’s money? In I Corinthians 3:8 God instructs us,

Now, the one who plants and the one who waters is equally important and on the same team, but each will be rewarded for his own work.

Our belief determines where we will spend eternity, and our behavior determines how we will spend eternity. It is easy to become a spirit-led giver if we view our money as if it belongs to God. Then, when He asks us to give, we won’t be tempted to take any of the credit. We are the channel God uses to redistribute His money. If we can’t be trusted now with the little we have, He can not bless us with more. In other words, if we cannot tithe a $1 now out of our $10, we certainly won’t do it when we have to give $10 out of $100.

Money is our test. If we say, “My heart is the kingdom of God.”, my bank account will either validate or refute that claim. It all comes down to whether we believe His Word or not.

Let’s check our banks accounts and see if they show that our heart is truly the Kingdom of God.

The Blessed Life: Chapters 7 and 8

Read : Online Pdf

Listen : Teaching available on Youtube

We all want to live in the blessing of God but we don’t make the necessary adjustments to allow God to bless us. We will have to get things in order, make adjustments in the way we handle money and the our attitude about money. Are we truly serious about obeying God in our finances?

Robert Morris talks about three steps that will position you to live the life of a giver:

  • Get out of debt

  • Never manipulate others

  • Give

God stands ready and willing to provide all of heaven’s help if only you will take a step of faith and begin.
— page 92

Giving locates our heart and is a key ingredient to what God wants to do in our lives. His heart becomes our heart which is the local church and souls.

As you read your Bible, just notice how much God talks about money, it might surprise you!

The Blessed Life: Chapters 5 and 6

Read : Online Pdf

Listen : Teaching available on Youtube

Many of us do not think about money having the spirit of God or the spirit of mammon . Money is not alive, it is just paper or metal after all. Yet, God says in Matthew 6:24; “You cannot serve God and mammon.” Mammon is simply saying “I don't need God, I can do this on my own.” It is putting you trust in riches/money rather than God.

All God is saying is, “Will you handle your money my way or the worlds way?”

What is the difference?

  • Mammon says buy and sell, God says sow and reap.

  • Mammon says to cheat and steal, God says give and receive.

  • Mammon says take, God says give

  • Mammon is selfish, God is generous.

Mammon is never the answer - God is!

Throughout the Word God speaks to us about our money, but so does the spirit of mammon. Who is your master? Who are you listening to?

“The devil hates spirit-led giving because it simultaneously diminishes his kingdom and makes us more like our heavenly Father.” (page 57)

Many people say that cannot afford to give without realizing the only way to break free from lack, is to handle money God’s way. In Chapter 6 Pastor Morris gives an explanation of Luke 6:38 that shows God’s way of multiplying even for those who at the moment do not have enough.

Which is louder in your ear, the spirit of God or the spirit of mammon? Here are a couple of questions that will locate where you are:

  • Am I looking to God or to people to meet my needs?

  • Do I get angry or resentful with people who don’t help me as I want them to?

  • Do I blame others for my circumstances?

  • Am I a selfish taker or a generous giver?

  • Do I secretly grieve when I give?

  • Do I give liberally?

When we full understand all that we have is God’s, it is easier to give when He has us to. When you understand that He sacrifices all for us, it is easier to give when He has us to. Giving, more than any other activity you can do will work selfishness and greed out of you life.

If you haven’t picked up your copy of The Blessed Life, do so today. It will dramatically change you life.

The Blessed Life: Chapters 3 and 4

Have you ever wanted to multiply your money, or which the money you had would go further? Well, God has the perfect plan for that, tithing! I feel the same way Robert Morris does, “Tithing is life to me, not law.” All through out the word we see that when God’s people began to tithe, God blessed them.

This is the only test God uses to locate our heart and it is the only time we are offered the opportunity to test God.

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!
— Malachi 3:10

Many people say they don’t tithe because they don’t want to give to the “church” or the “Pastor”, but the truth is your tithe is being received by God Himself. It releases the curse off of your finances and opens the windows of heaven for your blessing.

These 2 chapters prove without a doubt that tithing is not a law, it is life. What is sad is that many people will not take advantage of the opportunity for God to bless them. My prayer for you is that you read this with an open heart, and begin to test God yourself and watch the blessings and abundance overtake you.

Living The Blessed Life : Chapters 1 + 2

Join us as we read The Blessed Life by Robert Morris available at:
- Our bookstore
Online Pdf

You have heard Pastor Kempie consistently talk about, "Living the blessed life" which simply means having supernatural power working for you. Everything you touch prospers. We are not just talking about finances. Blessings affect every area of your life - your health, your relationships, your work, your family, your emotions and your thoughts.

In order to live the blessed life, you've guessed it - God must be first! Even in our finances, God must be first. Money is a test from God:  

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!
— Malachi 3:10

How you handle money affects every aspect of your life. This is not just a book about tithing, it is a book that will show you how to live a life of sprit-led giving! 

We are excited about this journey. Read with an open heart and mind asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what God is speaking to you! Let me know if you are also excited about this journey by commenting below! 


Pastor Lisa

Why We Need the Gifts of the Spirit: Chapter 10

It is really sad that something so important to the church as the gifts of the Spirit are swept under the rug in so many churches. They are important enough for God to give us detailed instructions on how they should operate in the church. I pray that this book erased any doubt of the importance of these gifts in the church today as well as in your life. This is not just information for you to store away, it is for you to walk in the gifts to edify the body of Christ. 

"Don't just add this teaching to the mental stack of information you already possess. Open your hearts and begin to act on what the Apostle Paul urged every believer to do in I Corinthians 14:1."

It is good that you are enthusiastic and passionate about spiritual gifts!

Thank you for following along for August's book club. We will be starting a new book by Robert Morris, The Blessed Life next week! Make sure to follow along right here on the Activate Book Club for more information. 


Why We Need The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Chapter 9

In the movie The Help a little girl is constantly berated by her mother, however, a house keeper  that speaks life into the child on a daily basis. She tells her that she is kind, smart, and important. The enemy does the same thing to you. He is constantly telling you, "you are not good enough, the Lord won't use you. Yet, God says -

“Every believer has received grace gifts, so use then to serve one another as faith stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God’s grace.”
— 1 Peter 4:10 TPT

That means you! "You have supernatural, God-given, grace imparted, supernatural gifts given by the Holy Spirt." He knew you were worthy, now it is time for you to believe it. The gifts were given to not only strengthen you but for you to strengthen others. Ask the Holy Spirit today, what can I do to be a blessing to others? 



Why We Need The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Chapters 7 & 8

Thank you God that there will never be a cessation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are given to the body of Christ to strengthen us and keep us solid in our walk with God. I cannot imagine trying to serve God without them. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to lift you up when you are down, to let you know that God hasn't forgotten you, and to give you the strength when you don't think you will make it one more day. 

"These gifts make you fit, firm, and unshakeable. They put you on your feet spiritually and lead you into new levels of spiritual maturity. Ultimately, these gifts will work to produce unimpeachable character in you...….." 

No matter what is happening in your life, you have a supernatural partnership with Jesus. Let's learn how to operate in the gifts with Him. 

Why We Need The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Chapter 6

I am so grateful for the gifts of the Holy Spirit that operate and flow in the church. Too many? Never! Nothing is sweeter than when God has a word specifically for you. There is something about knowing that God loves you so much that He speaks a word to you only. 

And yet when God uses you to flow in the gifts to speak into someone else's life, it is humbling and amazing at the same time. No matter whether you are the receiver or the giver, it is a "supernatural grace divinely imparted by the Spirit of God." 

So beloved friends, withal this in mind, be passionate to prophesy and don't forbid anyone from speaking in tongues, doing all things in a beautiful and orderly way. 

                                                                                                        I Corinthians 14:39-40

These gifts of the Spirit are not optional in the church and are always manifested to edify the "church." These gifts are to always be done "decently and in order." There is a proper way for them to operate in the church. Simple rule, don't interrupt the preaching of the Word. God is not going to interrupt himself to speak. 

The second thing is the Pastor is always in charge. A good rule to follow is go to the Pastor if you feel you have something and run it by them first. Sometimes we have a word for the Church and sometimes it could be for us or a particular person. Either way we learn by using and yielding to the gifts. So continue to seek these gifts to operate in your life. 


Why We Need The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Chapter 5

I can remember as a teenager wishing that I went to a "normal" church. You know the ones that sang a few songs, had a message, and then went home. No one dancing in the spirit, no one standing up speaking in a language no one knew, and no one falling on the floor when someone prayed for them. And yet, Paul says that the gifts of the Holy Spirit confirm the testimony of Jesus. 

These gifts confirm and prove that God is real and is in our very presence. These gifts not only authenticate his existence but they show his love for us. Paul says those in Corinth were "enriched, loaded, and mightily endowed with the gifts of the spirit." Because of these gifts, they knew Jesus as a healer and a miracle worker. 

Everything you’ve heard and believed about Jesus Christ has been authenticated, proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, verified, and guaranteed to be true because of the gifts of the Spirit.
— 1 Corinthians 1:6 (Expounded)

Today, I am so thankful that I grew up in a "normal" church. You know, one that allows the Holy Spirit to have free reign. A church where people are saved, healed, and delivered. One that the very presence of God is tangible and those who walk in know and feel His presence. One that allows the freedom to run, dance, and sing of the goodness of our God. 

Let's step out in faith and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us to prove that Jesus of the Bible is still present and moving today. 


Why We Need The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Chapter 4

Gifts of the Holy Spirit or the manifestations of the Spirit are just that. It is the Holy Spirit manifesting or making Himself known through man for the benefit of man. These gifts are available to every single one of us. This means you!

The enemy knows the benefit you will have with these gifts operating in your life. That is why he wants to convince you that they are not real, or not for today, and most importantly not for you. As you begin to study the list of the gifts beginning on page 36, ask the Lord to create in you a clean heart so that you will available for these gifts to operate in you. 

Today, let's give thanks to God for these gifts operating freely here at The Seed Church.

Why We Need The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Chapters 2 & 3

Grace! Such a misunderstood word today. The bottom line is that it is by grace that we are saved and by grace that we live. Grace empowers us to live a holy life. As Rick Renner says, "Likewise, if you have been touched by God's grace - and as a believer, you have been touched by this grace - you should expect His grace to visibly show up in many areas of your life as an outcome. Grace will empower you to have victory over sin. It will enable you to control your tongue. And it will transform you as its influence changes your behavior."

Through him, God has enriched your church in every way—with all of your eloquent words and all of your knowledge.
— 1 Corinthians 1:5

But there is more to this grace. One of the outward signs is the gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in and through you. That is what the Bible calls being "spiritually wealthy."  We too can be enriched with gifts of the Spirit, like tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy. We can also operate in word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits.  What God  did among the people in the Church at Corinth, He can, will, and is doing for us! 

Why We Need The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Chapter 1

I am so grateful that I grew up in a church that not only believed in but allowed the present- day gifts of the Holy Spirit. These supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit are crucial to the work of God. There is nothing like hearing a word from God to really reinforce God's love for us. 

Reading about the city at Corinth reminds me of our very own Savannah. We have some similarities such as - rebuilding after a war, being a port city, recognized for events that promote drunken debauchery like St. Patrick's Day, and we have become an attraction to the film industry. A set up for immorality.

“So the church was full of believers dealing with sexual sin, alcohol abuse, competition among themselves, and people taking advantage of one another.” 
— page 17

Wow, that sounds like us! So we are in company. In spite of al the carnality they had to deal with, the gifts of the spirit still operated. It is for this reason the gifts are so important as they reveal the sin in our life that we need to get rid of.  All 9 of the gifts are used to mature us. These gifts are important to the church so that everything God wants accomplished on this Earth will be done.

Remember, we are supernatural people who serve a supernatural God. Thank Him today for the Holy Spirit and His gifts.

August Book Club Schedule

Book : Why We Need The Gifts of The Holy Spirit by Rick Renner
Available for purchase at The Seed Church bookstore & Cafe

Monday, August 6th - Chapter 1
Thursday, August 9th - Chapter 2 & 3
Monday, August 13th - Chapter 4
Thursday, August 16th - Chapter 5
Monday, August 20th - Chapter 6
Thursday, August 23rd - Chapter 7 & 8
Monday, August 27th - Chapter 9
Thursday, August 30th - Chapter 10

We can't wait to start the August book club with you! We want to encourage you to purchase your book and begin studying. Check back weekly to follow along with Pastor Lisa's blog post right here on the Activate Book Club blog.