The Blessings of God are chasing us down!

In just ONE WEEK this has happened...what will next week bring???

My husband was blessed with 2 tickets and a parking pass to the UGA game in Athens, for FREE

We got $200+ worth of landscaping plants, for FREE

Got a letter saying that the mortgage insurance was REMOVED from our home loan...a loan that we were told was set up to where the insurance could NEVER be removed....BUT our case is different!!

My son who had been experiencing chronic back pain woke up the other day with NO PAIN, first time a very long time. Healed in Jesus name!! Getting better and better every day.

And the cherry on top...there was an extra chicken nugget in my Chick-fil-A order...There should have been 8 but there were 9...This one made me laugh.

God is SO good!! What will happen next?